Smart Specialization Strategy Navarra S3.
The Smart Specialisation Strategy – Navarra S3 -, designed in 2016, is a medium and long-term plan that seeks the socio-economic improvement of Navarra through the specialisation of its economy in the areas where having the greatest future prospects.
Navarra S3 aims to boost Navarra’s economy in its transformation towards a knowledge economy, with a greater capacity to incorporate technology into industrial processes, products and services, becoming a more innovative, productive and export-oriented economy, while looking for efficiency by using natural and energy resources, and for greater social and territorial cohesion.
The S3 Strategy includes the four main pillars of the SBA as promoting entrepreneurship, reduction of regulatory burden, access to finance and markets and internationalization, through the elaboration of concrete plans developed during 2017, following an open participatory process.
Navarra has developed plans and actions in order to fulfil the S3 competitiveness factors and also, and very important, to achieve the SBA priorities. The most relevant plans and tools are: